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Artefact ID: DHE_G824_25Artefact category: rattleSite: Brno – Dolní HeršpiceWGS84 Geolocation:
49.1592453, 16.6247275
WGS84 Geolocation Accuracy: cadastreRelative datation: Iron AgeAbsolute datation range: generalFeature type: graveFeature ID: C212, G824Deposition condition: soilFinding context (note): chamber graveOriginal state of preservation: completeRaw material: ceramicsSurface alteration: noMass & structure data presence: -
Data presence value
Contamination and recent damage: noMethodic note (CZ): Doporučení nečistit z důvodů zachování dat pro budoucí chemické analýzy. Riziko rozpadu štěrchátka.Recent damage & alteration: no