horse harness (DHE_G847_15a)

Artefact ID: DHE_G847_15a
Artefact category: horse harness
Site: Brno – Dolní Heršpice
WGS84 Geolocation: 49.1592453, 16.6247275
WGS84 Geolocation Accuracy: cadastre

49.1592453, 16.6247275

Relative datation: Iron Age
Absolute datation range: general
Feature type: grave
Feature ID: C249, G847
Deposition condition: soil
Finding context (note): 10 pcs of horse harness, chamber grave
Original state of preservation: complete
Raw material: copper alloy
Surface alteration: corrosion
Surface data presence:
  1. Data presence value
    Analysis type
    macroscopic analysis
    reflected-light microscopy
    optodigital microscopy
    Note on method

    on n. 06

Mass & structure data presence:
  1. Data presence value
Contamination and recent damage: no
Methodic note (CZ): Vzhledem k přítomnosti organických reziduí je doporučeno nekonzervovat. V případě aktivní koroze a nutnosti konzervace, odebrat organická rezidua do eppendorfky a ponechat u artefaktu.
Recent damage & alteration: no