coin (SLP_S_S232023)

Artefact ID: SLP_S_S232023
Artefact category: coin
Site: Šlapanice
WGS84 Geolocation: 49.1580108, 16.7327003
WGS84 Geolocation Accuracy: cadastre

49.1580108, 16.7327003

Relative datation: Middle Age
Absolute datation range: general
Feature type: unknown
Feature ID: n/a
Deposition condition: surface
Finding context (note): detector finding, 20 cm below the surface
Original state of preservation: deformation
Raw material: silver alloy
Surface alteration: corrosion, overburning
Surface data presence:
  1. Data presence value
    no microresidues
    Analysis type
    macroscopic analysis
    optodigital microscopy
  2. Data presence value
    no macroresidues
    Analysis type
    macroscopic analysis
    optodigital microscopy
Mass & structure data presence:
  1. Data presence value
    negative result
    Analysis type
Contamination and recent damage: Cleaned. Cleaning results in the loss of organic residues.
Methodic note (CZ): Očištění má za následek ztrátu prganických reziduí. Zelená barva v korozních produktech napovídá o vnitřní degradaci mincí, nutné konzervační zajištění.
Recent damage & alteration: no