Relative datation: Early Bronze Age Absolute datation range: general Feature type: n/a Feature ID: n/a Deposition condition: soil Finding context (note): n/a Original state of preservation: complete Raw material: copper alloy Surface alteration: corrosion
Surface data presence:
Data presence value
Analysis type
reflected-light microscopy
optodigital microscopy
Mass & structure data presence:
Data presence value
Contamination and recent damage: Cleaning with a brush and water results in the loss of surface traces and the formation of pseudo-traces, loss of organic residues, and potential initiation of corrosive processes. Methodic note (CZ): Očištění kartáčkem a vodou má zá následek ztrátu povrchových stop a tvorbu pseudostop, ztrátu organických reziduí a možné spuštění korozních procesů Recent damage & alteration: n/a