brooch (OZD_S_01)

Artefact ID: OZD_S_01
Artefact category: brooch
Site: Ožďany
WGS84 Geolocation: 48.3816722, 19.8942814
WGS84 Geolocation Accuracy: cadastre

48.3816722, 19.8942814

Relative datation: Early/Middle La Tène Period
Absolute datation range: general
Feature type: grave
Feature ID: n/a
Deposition condition: surface
Finding context (note): detector finding during the survey from 03/19/2021. with GPS targeting, near probe 2, related to disturbed contexts within the burial site
Original state of preservation: complete
Raw material: iron
Surface alteration: corrosion
Surface data presence:
  1. Data presence value
    Analysis type
    reflected-light microscopy
    optodigital microscopy
  2. Data presence value
    Analysis type
    reflected-light microscopy
    optodigital microscopy
Mass & structure data presence:
  1. Data presence value
Contamination and recent damage: contact with plasticine
Methodic note (CZ): Ve výborném stavu, zajištění stabilních podmínek. Plastelína narušuje korozní vrstvy a zůstává v materiálu. Kontaminace budoucích analýz.
Recent damage & alteration: no