Relative datation: Early Bronze Age Absolute datation range: general Absolute datation source: n/a Feature type: grave Feature ID: G310 Deposition condition: soil Finding context (note): wristguard on distal end of R tibia, 15 archery projectiles, 11 flakes, grinded fragment, cattle ribs
2 inhumations - adult in male position, infans II Original state of preservation: complete Raw material: polished stone Surface alteration: no
Surface data presence:
Data presence value
wear traces
Analysis type
reflected-light microscopy
Data presence value
rivet residues in holes
Analysis type
Note on method
zone of possible rivet residues in holes contamined
Mass & structure data presence:
Data presence value
radiolaria claystone
Analysis type
reflected-light microscopy
Contamination and recent damage: pencil graphite in all holes - deviates p-XRF measurement Subordinate dataset: Subordinate dataset link: Methodic note (CZ): kontaminace grafitem z tužky je ve všech otvorech, kontaminace znehodnotila artefakt pro analýzu p-XRF, která mohlo identifikovat mikrozbytky kovů po původních kovových nýtcích, což by byl zásadní přínos poznání Recent damage & alteration: yes