arrowhead (HOL_G147_143)

Artefact ID: HOL_G147_143
Artefact category: arrowhead
Site: Holešov – Zdražilovska
WGS84 Geolocation: 49.3198489, 17.5583108
WGS84 Geolocation Accuracy: cadastre

49.3198489, 17.5583108

Relative datation: Early Bronze Age
Absolute datation range: general
Absolute datation source: n/a
Feature type: grave
Feature ID: G147
Deposition condition: soil
Finding context (note): projectile behind the pelvis, another 9 projectiles near skull, flake, cattle ribs
inhumation maturus in male position

Original state of preservation: complete
Raw material: knapped stone
Surface alteration: no
Surface data presence:
  1. Data presence value
    wear traces
    Analysis type
    reflected-light microscopy
    Note on method

    mobility range of engraved person

  2. Data presence value
    Analysis type
    3D photogrammetry
    Note on method

    functionality and function

Mass & structure data presence:
  1. Data presence value
    erratic flint
    Analysis type
    immerse microscopy
Contamination and recent damage: thick layer of varnish superposes important wear traces
Subordinate dataset:
Subordinate dataset link:
Methodic note (CZ): tlustá vrstva laku překrývá významná traseologická data, která tak nemohou být plně vyhodnocena
Recent damage & alteration: yes