Relative datation: Late Bronze Age Absolute datation range: general Feature type: hoard Feature ID: n/a Deposition condition: waterlogged Finding context (note): a hoard of bronze artefacts consisting of two bronze axes and ingots. The hoard was located at a depth of approximately another 40 cm below the surface of the terrain. Original state of preservation: complete, deformation Raw material: copper alloy Surface alteration: patina
Surface data presence:
Data presence value
production traces
Typ analýzy
reflected-light microscopy
optodigital microscopy
Mass & structure data presence:
Data presence value
chemical analysis of surface
Typ analýzy
Data presence value
chemical analysis of surface
Typ analýzy
Contamination and recent damage: Mechanic cleaning results in the loss of surface traces and the formation of pseudo-traces, loss of organic residues. Methodic note (CZ): Očištění povrchu omezuje traseologickou analýzu a interpretaci identifikovaných stop. Při zajištění vhodných a stabilních podmínek není nutná konzervace. Doporučení ustálené teploty a vlhlkosti, uchování předmětu v utěsněném plastovém obalu se silicagelem. Recent damage & alteration: yes